Example 3: Table

Tip: When following the examples in the following pages, be sure to update values to reflect spelling in your environment (for example, when specifying Party Types, change Organization to Organisation if appropriate for your EMu environment).

This example extends the previous two by including references to fields that can accept more than one value, in other words, tables. In this image of the Parties module, we see that the Other Names: (Person Details) field can take multiple values:

Person tab

Other Names: (Person Details) is a table of values (a column) and each row can hold a name. Its back-end field name further identifies it as a table with the addition of a _tab suffix:


In this example we create three Person Party records that include Role and Other Name values (both of which are tables).

The fields loaded are:


Back-end name

First name NamFirst
Middle name NamMiddle
Last name NamLast
Party Type NamPartyType
Roles NamRoles_tab
Other Names NamOtherNames_tab